Are We Boiling Frogs? Read online
Page 23
A Dangerous Ideology
Conspiracy theorists say the idea that Western intelligence
agencies didn't know what was going on, especially as they
were funding most of it, is so silly you'd need the audacity of
a paid CIA troll to say otherwise. This is an accusation they
often level against the promoters of the official account,
which makes precisely that claim. Some mainstream voices
acknowledge that al Qaeda was partly the product of some
myopic operational policy blunders.
Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, in her testimony to
Congress in 2009, spoke of this. She was predominantly
referring to the Taliban. Nonetheless, her words in reference
to Saudi Wahhabi fighters are revealing, as they clearly
reference al Qaeda:
“Let’s remember here the people we are
fighting today, we funded them twenty
years ago and we did it because we were
locked in a struggle with the Soviet Union.
They invaded Afghanistan and we did not
want to see them control Central
Asia......and we went to work and it was
President Reagan, in partnership with
Congress, led by Democrats, who said “you
know what it sounds like a pretty good idea,
let's deal with the ISI and the Pakistan
military and let's go recruit these
… .And great, let's get some to come from
Saudi Arabia and other countries, importing
their Wahhabi brand of Islam so that we can
go beat the Soviet Union.
… ..And guess what? They (Soviets)
retreated, they lost billions of dollars and it
led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. So
there is a very strong argument which is it
wasn't a bad investment, in terms of [the]
Soviet Union, but let’s be careful with what
we sow because we will harvest.
So then we left Pakistan, we said “OK! Fine.
You deal with the Stingers we've left all over
A Dangerous Ideology
your country. You deal with the mines we've
left all along the border and, by the way, we
don't want to have any more to do with
Despite Clinton's belief that this was all money well spent,
given Osama bin Laden's crimes, 9/11, 7/7, Paris,
numerous other attacks and the horror of a global war on
terror, conspiracy theorists ask if it was really worth it. They
also point out that, despite Clinton's suggestion that this
was all in the past, the evidence is that Western intelligence
agencies have continued to back Islamist extremists to this
In 1981 Egypt's President Anwar Sedat was assassinated by
a terrorist group linked to the Muslim Brotherhood called
'Islamic Jihad.' The perpetrators were subsequently executed
and the remaining group members were rounded up by the
Egyptian authorities. As one among approximately 300
hundred co-conspirators, Dr Ayman al Zawahiri[132]
emerged as their spokesperson during their collective show
trial. He served 3 years and then another shorter sentence
for gun running. The trial had been televised and was shared
globally by the MSM. The assassination, and subsequent
testimonies, were the basis for numerous international news
headlines for a couple of months.
Ayman al Zawahiri was a world famous Islamist extremist
terrorist by the mid-1980s and was well-known to
intelligence agencies across the globe. He was a key part of
Operation Cyclone in Afghanistan receiving MAK
administered funds from the CIA, starting in 1985.[128]
Following Russia's withdrawal in 1989, he travelled
extensively around Europe and central Asia. He is known to
have travelled to Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong,
central Europe and numerous countries in central Eurasia.
His globetrotting apparently included periods of political
asylum in Denmark in 1991 and Switzerland in 1993.[133]
Some have pointed out these asylum reports were
unconfirmed. Yet, when asked about Zawahiri's alleged
Danish asylum approval, Teddy Koch of the Danish ministry
of the interior, rather than simply deny it, said:
A Dangerous Ideology
'Normally, we don't give out information
about individual cases.'
Sibel Edmonds, an FBI whistle-blower, stated that Ayman al
Zawahiri's name was mentioned on innumerable occasions
within FBI files. She claimed his connection to al Qaeda and
Islamic Jihad was never referenced, he was only identified as
a NATO operative working in Turkey and Bulgaria. He was
recorded as attending meetings held between high ranking
NATO and U.S. officials in Azerbaijan. Saudi embassy official
were also present at one such meeting, held in Baku, which
again, al Zawahiri attended.[136]
However, as with all intelligence 'whistle-blowers,' it
shouldn't be overlooked that Edmonds was once employed
by the state. It isn't unusual for them to deliberately seed
disinformation using the apparently incredible disclosures of
former employees. Whatever Edmonds' claimed, as ever, the
facts can only be determined through corroborated evidence.
In 1996 al Zawahiri was arrested in Russia by the FSB (the
successor of the KGB) having visited Chechnya to promote
jihad.[134] The Russians held him in custody for 6 months.
They confiscated his laptop, containing numerous
documents, and sent it to Moscow for analysis.
Unfortunately, according to the official Russian account,
they couldn't find a single Arabic translator anywhere in
Russia. No one could read the documents for the entire 6
months of his incarceration. Despite suspecting he may have
been 'a big fish,' they just couldn't prove it. So, disregarding
the fact he was an infamous terrorist, arrested for terrorist
offences in their own territory, they released him.[135]
Conspiracy theorists believe the Russian 'story' is complete
bilge. Disinformation exemplified. Does anyone really believe
the Russian state is incapable of translating Arabic or
undertaking even the most basic of investigations into
known terrorists? However, the inexplicable Russian tale
suddenly appears more rational if the Russians believed him
to be a Western intelligence asset.
American backed Islamist extremists had inflicted terrible
losses upon their forces in Afghanistan. Is it logical to
assume the Russians could in fact translate Arabic? If so,
A Dangerous Ideology
they almost certainly knew who he was and who he worked
for. If they discovered an American asset at the head of an
international terrorist organisation, currently supporting
jihad in their own region, releasing him and then tracking
his movements made perfect sense in intelligence gathering
His extensive travels, unusual refusals to deny allegations of
his a
sylum in European states, and the bizarre Russian
arrest story, appear to lend credibility to Edmonds' claims.
Her protracted legal battle with the U.S. Authorities adds
further weight.
A Department of Justice inspector general’s report called
Edmonds' allegations “credible,” “serious,” and “warrant[ing]
a thorough and careful review by the FBI.” [130] She received
support from Senators Charles Grassley and Patrick Leahy,
who pushed for declassification of the evidence surrounding
her case. Yet the litigation continued unabated.
In a highly unusual move 'state secret privilege' was applied
retrospectively to all aspects of her case, including her
briefings with Senators. Edmonds was tied up in the courts
for years, leading the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
to call her “the most gagged person in the history of the
United States of America.” In 2009 Edmonds gave a sworn
deposition under oath. As she had been subpoenaed, the
administration were required to reissue the gagging orders to
stop her giving evidence. Following considerable legal
argument, after 8 years of government censorship, Edmonds
was finally able to reveal some of what she knew.[131]
According to conspiracists, there is evidence to suspect that
Ayman al Zawahiri, now the leader of al Qaeda, the person
who supposedly convinced Osama bin Laden to launch a
global jihad, who is hunted by the world's intelligence
community, regularly attended meetings with Western
intelligence. The evidence suggests he is an asset of the
intelligence services. This further raises the uncomfortable
possibility that al Qaeda is ostensibly a proxy of the West's
own military industrial intelligence complex.
As we mentioned earlier, some people partly accept aspects
of this suggestion (many don't.) They see it as an unintended
A Dangerous Ideology
consequence of the unavoidably murky dealings of Western
intelligence agencies, battling to protect our freedoms.
A war against global terrorism isn't going to be won without
brave individuals infiltrating these organisations. We owe a
great debt of gratitude to these courageous men and women,
who wage a secret war that can never be acknowledged. An
unfortunate consequence may be that intelligence agencies
are actively involved with groups that commit horrendous
crimes against civilians. The decision to allow an attack to go
ahead, rather than expose a valuable asset who could
potentially stop a much greater, future slaughter, must be a
terrible dilemma to face.
Most conspiracy theorists recognise compartmentalisation
means there are probably many honourable, committed
people, working within the intelligence community, who
expose themselves to incredible danger. However, they
maintain, at a senior level, the intelligence agencies rarely
appear to be serving the public's best interests.
They see the Deep State's influence, promoting the use of
international terrorism to destabilise governments, build
puppet regimes and provide an ethereal enemy that can
never be cornered. This ensures continuous military and
intelligence spending and corporate profits. 9/11 was a
prime example of manipulated mass murder, at the hands of
controlled terrorist assets. All to achieve globalist ambitions.
According to them, there is evidence that a cabal within the
Bush administration planned and facilitated 9/11.
The flights were allowed to hit their targets through the
deliberate mismanagement of standard security procedures
and the directed disorientation of the military response. It is
impossible that they could have occurred in the way we were
told without internal sabotage. It is equally impossible that
plane strikes and fires could have caused the WTC 1 & 2 to
collapse in the way they did, and even less likely in the case
of WTC 7. This was done to conceal evidence, incapacitate
the response and cause the maximum impact upon the
population's psyche. The ultimate objective being to gain
wide public support for a predetermined 'war on terror,' and
to create passive public acceptance of legislation designed to
A Dangerous Ideology
limit individual freedoms and curtail freedom of speech.
Similarly, the attack on the Pentagon could not have
occurred as we have been told to believe. The evidence to
support the establishment claim is woefully lacking and that
which does exist points towards an entirely different
conclusion. The evidence offered in support of the official
Flight 93 narrative is, in many ways, totally ridiculous.
The investigations, both into how the attacks occurred and
the mechanics of the devastation, were deliberately stifled
and corrupted. They offered unsupported conclusions based
upon the cherry picking of evidence and the selective
admission of testimony. The over reliance upon evidence,
extracted through torture, brings the findings further into
doubt and evidential standards fell way below anything
admissible in a court. In order to believe the official
investigations findings, one would need to both ignore the
reams of contradictory evidence and concede the existence of
previously unknown physical laws.
Moreover, they say they can prove senior White House
officials lied; have evidence the supposed terrorists hijackers
were well-known assets of the security services and can
provide statements, made by the neoconservatives who
controlled the Bush administration, that reveal the one
remaining pre requisite for any criminal conspiracy.
A Dangerous Ideology
Chapter 10
The Able Danger of Intel igence.
The public statements, from senior members of the
Bush administration, were consistent. They all claimed that
no one could have possibly known about the attacks. None
of them had any knowledge whatsoever about any of it.
For example, in 2009, Dick Cheney said, “I wouldn't have
predicted 9/11, the global war on terror, the need to
simultaneous run military operations in Afghanistan and
Iraq.” Donald Rumsfeld told the 9/11 Commission, “I knew
of no intelligence during the six-plus months leading up to
September 11 to indicate terrorists would hijack commercial
airlines, use them as missiles to fly into the Pentagon or the
World Trade Center towers.” President George W. Bush said,
“Nobody in our government at least, and I don't think the prior
government, could envision flying airplanes into buildings.”
Conspiracists draw people’s attention to the Group Islamique
Arm (GIA) plan to crash planes into the Eiffel Tower. In
Algeria, in 1991, it seemed likely the Islamic Salvation Front
A Dangerous Ideology
(FIS) were set for electoral success. There was a military<
br />
coup as a result and the FIS were banned. Consequently, the
(GIA) splintered from the FIS and set about protesting the
military administration by killing more people.
It's leader was Djamel Zitouni. He blamed French citizens for
allowing themselves to be ruled by a government that
supported the Algerian coup. He devised a plan to hijack a
commercial airliner and crash it into the Eiffel Tower.
Ultimately the plot failed after an informant alerted the
Algerian Secret Service. This led to a 2-day stand-off at
Marseille airport and the eventual storming of the aircraft by
the GIGN French Special Forces.[177]
Another idea attributed to Khalid Sheikh Mohammad,
Operation Bojinka[141] was an al Qaeda plot uncovered,
during its planning stages, by Philippine police. Unlike the
Russians, the Filipinos were able to decipher and translate
the encoded Arabic documents found on the suspects’
computers. These revealed a plot to hijack multiple
commercial aircraft and simultaneously detonate explosives
on each. Conversations between plotters, Abdul Hakim
Murad and Ramsi Yousef, revealed in 1995 by FBI transcript
of the reports from Philippine investigators,[178] show the
men discussed crashing a plane into CIA headquarters.
Colonel Rodolfo Mendoza, who interrogated Murad, claimed
there was a second phase of the uncovered plot which
included an almost a precise blueprint of 9/11. Hijacked
planes would be crashed into major U.S. targets including
the WTC buildings and the Pentagon. This seems
questionable as it wasn't mentioned in either the reports, or
the transcripts. However, Rafael Garcia, chairman and CEO
of the Philippine technology firm Mega Group, tasked with
decoding the seized computers, corroborated Colonel
Mendoza's claims. He also alleged information concerning
the discovery of the plot was passed to U.S. authorities. He
“........we discovered a second, even more
sinister plot: Project Bojinka… This was a
plot to blow up 11 airlines over the Pacific
Ocean, all in a 48-hour period… Then we
A Dangerous Ideology
found another document that discussed a
second alternative to crash the 11 planes
into selected targets in the United States
instead of just blowing them up in the air.
These included the CIA headquarters in